Sunday, December 26, 2010

*giggle* The New Me

                            Christmas is over and here comes New Year! Whew! Well, a new year requires changes right? So from today onwards, I vow to change...change back to the old me! Haha. Wierd? Usually when people change, they change into a new person but me, I want to change back to the old me. 'Cuz the old me is way better than the present me. Why? Because the old me was very strong. I could take on any challenges that life gives me. I was very confident and sure of myself. In other words, I was sane before. That's why I want to change back. As you have known, by reading my previous posts, the me this year sucks real bad! I want to get read of it this coming new year. God also said, by reading the Bible, that I have to be patient in order to be happy. So I would also take life slowly and not hurry. Because hurrying will make me miss the oppurtunities that I should've taken. Well, how's that for my New Year's Resolution?

heiress lady

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm Back and Full of Questions, again!

                                    Why are humans still dwelling in the past when the future is already lying in the present? Why should they go back to the time when they felt pain and suffering when happiness is already there? What's with the past that is stopping us from moving on and being happy?

                                   I myself doesn't want to go back to the past and experience them all over again. I don't want to feel the pain and suffering I had before. Maybe that's why I'm having a hard time accepting happiness, which is just in front of me. What's with those people(you know who they are) that is making me suffer more than  had before? I am in agony. I can't believe that this is because of those people! I want to move on and enjoy my life. I want to forget about the past that made me like this. 
                                   Everytime  I distance myself from this agony, the more that I feel alone and more agonized. I don't know what to do! Everytime I open my facebook account all I see are quotes posted by my friends which, it seems, is telling me to relax because it's ok, it's alright. But nothing's alright! They keep telling me to be honest about my feelings, but if I will do that the more that I will suffer. I don't want to expect impossible things. I don't want to wait because waiting is still the same as dreaming. They said that time heals all wounds but why isn't my wound healed yet. Heck, it's still bleeding! This medicine is not working on me, so should I try a new medicine?