Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Is HERE!!!!

           Oh I just lurvvvvvvvvvvvv the HOLIDAYS! This year I'm conducting another Christmas Party at my house. The last one was two years ago and I only have, I think , 10 guest and the rest were my parents' guests. But this time I'm going to have 20 guests! Double FUN!!! I really think that this time it's going to be memorable 'cuz CARAMEL is coming!!!! YEHAYYYY!!!! If you're wondering who's this Caramel, well he's just my super duper cute crush with the killer smile that could melt me like a sundae on a really hot day! Sigh. I can't wait for Dec 23!
          This year I received a lot of gifts and it's not yet Dec 25! I really felt that these are meaningful gifts that came from meaningful persons who really cares a lot for me. This is the first time that I didn't mind the size or wrapper of my gifts. 'Cuz I usually complains whenever someone gives me a gift that is wrapped horrible and wrapped with really disgusting gift wrappers. What can I say? I'm just really meticulous! As I was saying, this time I appreciated all the gifts that I received recently. Well, I think recently I've become sentimental. Was it because I finally learned how to appreciate my friends? Weird, but I like it. I'm really happy that God made me realize that. That's why this Christmas, I'm really going to thanks him since it's Jesus' birthday and everything. This year has been amazing and I hope it keeps getting better as each day passes.